Pilbara Exploranges Trip

Pilbara Exploranges Trip

This is a 22 day Exploranges Trip specifically for members for the Diamond Valley Bushwlking Club.  Cost approx $8030.  Leaving from Perth and return to Perth - highlighting the Pilbara region.

Hike in deep gorges cut by hidden springs and swim in refreshing plunge pools - two of many reasons why the Pilbara is worth taking time to explore. Famous for its iron ore deposits which lend the landscape its fiery hues, the region contains some of the world’s most ancient natural landscapes, set amongst the beautiful Hammersley Ranges in Karajini National Park. Contrast these dramatic landscapes with the tranquility of Ningaloo Reef. Here we cruise and snorkel, discovering the delights of one of the most spectacular marine parks in the world, where the coral reef is just a short swim away

For a detailed itinerary or more information please email. Bookings are now being taken.



Activity Date Sun 07 Sep 2025
Finish Date/Time Sun 28 Sep 2025
Bookings OK until Wed 20 Aug 2025
Capacity 17
Available places 2
Categories BASE CAMP, Easy/Medium
Bookings 15

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